Categorias Exercício Físico

10 Exercícios que os homens devem evitar

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Conforme já relatei em posts anteriores, exercício aeróbico de no mínimo 150 minutos por semana, complementado pelos exercícios de resistência 2 a 3x por semana, ajudam a manter a saúde cardiovascular. Veja mais detalhes no link de Recomendação de Exercícios

Entretanto, devemos tomar cuidados ao fazer alguns exercícios que podem levar a lesões ou dores nos ombros, costas e joelhos.

Achei esse vídeo na internet muito bom. Já foi visto por mais de 08 milhões de pessoas. Sei que não é 100%, mas de maneira geral, acredito que acrescenta boas orientações. Sei por exemplo, que após mostrar esse vídeo para um amigo, o mesmo melhorou bastante a dor nas costas ao deixar de fazer alguns (não todos) dos exercícios descritos.

Filtre aquilo que você possa achar que esteja contribuindo para sua dor e converse com um profissional de sua confiança. Reforço que exercício físico não é minha especialidade, mas eu sou um grande incentivador de exercícios (minha principal orientação como cardiologista é praticar atividade física regularmente), seja para manutenção da saúde cardiovascular, seja para tratamento de vários problemas de saúde, e acima de tudo para manter uma boa qualidade de vida.

Estes são alguns erros de exercícios de academia.  Dicas que podem ajudar você a evitar uma lesão. Você aprenderá sobre exercícios que causam impacto no ombro, dor nas costas e problemas no joelho.


Linha de tempo do vídeo:

#1 Exercise to avoid: Selectorizer Ab Machine 0:44

#2 Exercise to avoid: Behind the Head Shoulder Press 3:13

#3 Exercise to avoid: Smith Machine 5:05

#4 Exercise to avoid: Hip abduction and adduction machine 6:43

#5 Exercise to avoid: Seated Torso Rotation Machine 7:33

#6 Exercise to avoid: Upright Row 8:15

#7 Exercise to avoid: Lap Pull Down Behind The Head 9:45

#8 Exercise to avoid: Leg Press Machine 10:44

#9 Exercise to avoid: Leg Extensions & Leg Curl 11:41

#10 Exercise to avoid: Back Hyper Extension Machine 12:19


Legendas (em inglês):

How many times have you done an exercise & then as soon as you finish you feel pain. You might feel it in your lower back or your shoulder but you find yourself thinking did I do something wrong or does this exercise just suck. Well it really isn’t always you. There are a lot of exercises out there that are plain bad for you & they only continue to exist just because they’ve been passed down from one misinformed gym to the next, & noones been smart enough to realize that these common exercises are no good. So today we’re going over 10 exercises that all men should avoid & these exercises aren’t only exclusive to men. Women should avoid these exercises as well it’s just that in this video we’ll be sticking to exercises that i usually find men doing wrong. The very first one that I want to start with is actually a group of exercises that guys are drawn to like moths to a flame. I’m talking about all the selectorizor ab machines at your local gym. The machines that you usually start by sitting down pulling out the pin, selecting your weight, then grabing some handles behind your head & doing crunches. These machines are not only a waste of time but they are also dangerous for your lower back. All these selectorizor ab machines are locked into a range of motion, meaning that your joints & your disks can’t travel down their natural path, you can only travel down the path that the machine has set for you. Even if you adjust the machine to your body perfectly, which by the way is very hard to do, but even if you somehow had a machine customized for your body you can still easily run into lower back issues because you’re still locked in a set range of motion throughout the entire exercise. Besides a greater potential for a lower back injury you will also get significantly less results from these machines than if you stuck to regular ab exercises like crunches, hanging knee tucks, & declined situps. The reason is once again due to the fact that your locked into a range of motion. The core’s main responsibility is stabilization. And it’s important to improve your functional core strength because your core isn’t only responsible for stabilizing your trunk but it stabilizes your whole body. It is the bridge that connects your lower body to your upper body. When you’re locked in a range of motion you take all of the stabilization normally required for ab exercises out of the movement. The really ironic part is that those abdominal stabilizer muscles that you’re not working on these machines are very important to strengthen in order to prevent the lower back injury that you’ll likely experience on one of these machines. Due to the fact that you’re not working your stabilizers you’re missing out on all of those deep tissue abdominal muscles like your transverse abdominus & your only targeting mostly your rectus abdominus which is the very outer layer six pack looking muscle. The transverse abdominus is very important to work because not only does it help prevent injury, but it also pulls your stomach in keeping everything nice & tight giving you that flat stomach look. If you want to make your ab exercises tougher use weights by simply holding a dumbbell or a plate either behind your head or accross your chest while doing regular traditional ab exercises. Once again if you don’t know where to start start with exercises like stability ball crunches, declined situps, & hanging knee tucks. The next exercise you should avoid is the behind the head shoulder press. First off there is absolutely no advantage to going behind your head. None. Even though I’m sure some old school guys will be disagreeing with me in the comments below you can research this yourself & you’ll find that when you go behind the head you’re still targeting the same muscles that you would if yo..



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07 Exercícios recomendados para homens

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Dr. Rafael Otsuzi

Médico cardiologista na Clínica Endocárdio

Dr. Rafael Vinícius Otsuzi Médico pela Universidade de São Paulo - Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP Residência Médica: Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo - HC - FMRP USP Especialista em Cardiologia pela Associação Médica Brasileira (AMB) Título de Especialista em Cardiologia pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC)

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Tags: prevenção de dores Saúde

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