Categorias Exercício Físico

07 Exercícios recomendados para homens




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O vídeo acima teve mais de 06 milhões de visualizações no Youtube em apenas 01 ano.


Acredito que devemos ter um pouco de cuidado com generalizações. Minha recomendação é que caso opte por fazer os exercícios acima, que faça com auxílio de um PROFISSIONAL ESPECIALIZADO, seja seu personal trainer ou o educador físico da academia. Fazer exercícios de maneira inadequada pode levar a lesões que irão comprometer sua qualidade de vida e saúde.

Dito tudo isso como ressalvas, o vídeo acima realmente pode ajudar, principalmente no meu caso que somente tenho 03 dias disponíveis parar ir na academia. Principalmente quando estou em períodos corridos (quase sempre rs), dou preferência para fazer um dos exercícios acima.

Abaixo relato do próprio autor do vídeo:

?These are the 7 best exercises for men to build muscle fast. Whether you’re a beginner, a skinny guy struggling to get bigger, or even if you’re advanced these exercises will help you gain muscle mass faster. You should be incorporating a couple of these everyday obviously leaving enough time for recovery. You can also combine these exercises into full body muscle building workouts that provide the best results. ?


Linha do tempo:

#1-Barbell row 1:04

#2- Barbell and dumbbell chest presses 2:48

#3- Barbell squats 4:33

#4- The pull up 7:12

#5 -Deadlift 8:51

#6- Shoulder press 10:15

#7- Power clean 11:51


Legenda em inglês:

If you’re looking for the simplest solution to build muscle in a fast and efficient way, the bottom line so to speak, I gotta say it doesn’t get much simpler than this. Because after spending years building muscle naturally I’ve learned that there are certain useless exercises that you should avoid entirely other exercises that you might want to consider incorporating and then there are the exercises that you just cant go without. Exercises that by themselves have the power to transform your physique. I’ve narrowed this list down to just seven of the most important exercises that you absolutely should have as a staple part of your routine to efficiently build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time. By mastering these 7 key compound exercises you’ll see incredible results even if you’re not doing any other exercises in the gym. And I made this video specifically for men not because women can’t benefit from these exercises as well but because the ideal attractive body type for men is a V shape whereas for women it’s more of an hourglass figure. So even though a lot of the exercises do crossover for both men women this video is specifically to help you develop the best manly physique with the least amount of exercises possible. I’m going to list off these exercises in no particular order, so Let’s start first with a very important upper body exercise the bent over barbell Row. With this exercise you’ll be working the rhomboids which are the muscles that connect your shoulder blades together so your upper back muscles and you’ll also be working the back of your shoulder and your biceps. This is one of the most important pulling movements that you can do. Because you’re working multiple muscle groups responsible for Pulling you’re able to lift a lot more weight with this compound exercise then if you were to isolate any one of these muscles individually. By strengthening your rhomboids and your posterior deltoid you’ll be tightening up your upper back which will help you hold yourself straight up and maintain a better more attractive upright posture. Since you can lift heavy weight with this exercise your biceps are also going to get a lot of stimulation because you’ll be lifting a weight that would be impossible to lift with an isolated movement like bicep curls. A basic bent over row is done by grabbing a barbell with your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Stick your butt out and stick your chest out before beginning the movement. Then bend down by about 60 degrees so you’re a little higher than being fully parallel to the ground and you want let the weight hang straight down, do not flex your shoulders. While keeping your chest out pull the barbell inward towards your stomach and aim to touch your belly button with the bar. Then bring it back down to that hanging position and repeat this motion for reps. The great thing about rows is that you can do it with a barbell or you can do it with dumbbells, but a general rule of thumb to remember is that you’ll be able to lift more weight and typically you’ll be able to build more mass with barbells over dumbbells. Also by changing the angles at which you bend during a bent over row you can Target different parts of your back. A fully bent-over position where you’re at a 90 degree angle will Target more of your lats and the middle of your back whereas standing more upright will Target more of your traps and upper back. Let’s move on to another staple exercise that you should be doing, barbell and dumbbell chest presses. While the rows will help you develop the posterior or the back part of your upper body the chest presses are there to help you develop the anterior or the front part of your upper body. It’ll hit your chest, the front head of your shoulders as well as your triceps. With chest presses you want to spend the majority of your time doing them at two different angles flat and incline. If your weakness is your upper chest you want to spend more of your time doing incline presses.if your upper chest…


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Tags: atividade fisica Exercícios recomendados para homens Massa muscular magra Musculação Saúde

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